HYROX training is an amazing crossover to most sports, perfect for anyone looking to improve their performance. Hyrox classes will help build the body & power you need to perform at your best.

Our classes are designed to build strength and a leaner body that is ready to race in any sport, or for the day-to-day person looking to jump start their fitness. We have programs and progression to fit all skill levels.

Our workouts are a mix of weight lifting and metabolic conditioning. We use Concept 2 bikes, ski ergs, rowers, Echo Bikes, Kettlebells, running, sleds and more to put together fun and exciting workouts.

Whether you are beginner to advanced in your fitness, we can take you to new levels with functional fitness and enhanced strength.

HYROX, the sport is innovative approach to fitness including running and natural movements combined to a unique indoor fitness competition. 1K of running followed by 1 workout, repeated 8 times. This is a combination of endurance and functional fitness that is intended to be attainable for athletes, non-athletes, and everyone in between while maintaining the competitive atmosphere of other fitness contests such as Tough Mudder and Spartan Race.

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