
Who is this for?

Anybody who desires to improve skills such as pull ups, muscle ups, toes to bar, chest to bar, handstand push ups, handstand walks and pistols. Even if you are looking to get your first {insert bodyweight movement here}, this is for YOU!


5 weeks of – 1 hour sessions with a Coach


  • Improve skill level in gymnastic modalities- Pull ups, Push-ups, Toes to Bar, Chest to bar, Muscle ups, Handstand push-ups, handstand walks, pistols
  • Improve midline strength and stability
  • Improve shoulder strength and stability
  • Master specific gymnastic skills that YOU want to!

(This course is designed to be a supplement, not a replacement, for your regular CrossFit group classes.)


Thursday 6:30 PM starting September 21st.

Finally, this course will be limited to just 8 people and is available on a first-come, first-served (or signed up!) basis.

Fill out the form for a free consultation

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