About Us

Who we are

We are first and foremost a coaching facility. Our team is led by two CrossFit Certified Level 3 Coaches who are committed to helping make sure you reach your goals!

Established in 2011, we were the first CrossFit gym located in Carson City, and ever since then, we’ve been dedicated to changing the lives of everyone who walks through our doors.

Our program efficiently combines the most effective training methods of weightlifting, gymnastics, and high-intensity cardio. Our training methods produce undisputed, tangible results for all levels of fitness, from children to elite athletes and everyone in between.

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program designed to improve overall fitness. Its unique blend of weightlifting, gymnastics, and endurance training builds general physical preparedness for all of life’s challenges. At Carson City CrossFit, we’ll teach you to do common movements like squatting, jumping, lifting heavy objects, and moving your body weight in a multitude of directions.

These functional exercises translate directly to skills needed in everyday life and can be adapted to anyone’s fitness level or need. And because CrossFit promotes overall fitness instead of specializing in any one area, you’ll never plateau. It’s fun, creative, and most importantly — it works.

Meet our coaches

  • Lief Larson

    Owner/CF Level 3 Trainer
  • Jake

    CF Level 3 Trainer
  • Mirette

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Jill Larson

    Coach/Owner/Nutrition Therapy Practitioner
  • Kim Adams

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Dean Williams CrossFit Coach at Gym in Carson City, NV

    Dean Williams

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Kyle

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Hollee Wood

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Delaney

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Jill Head

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Danielle

    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Kelly trainer of CrossFit in Carson City


    CF Level 2 Coach
  • Blayney Coach of CrossFit in Carson City


    CF Level 2 Coach

Your FAQs, Answered

What does a CrossFit class look like?

A CrossFit class is a one-hour group session led by a coach. While every gym has its own setup and each class consists of different movements, a typical class looks like:

  • Whiteboard brief and class introduction — To start, you will gather in front of a whiteboard where your coach will give the class an overview of the workout, the movements, and ideas for scaling.
  • Warm-up — Your coach will take the class through a warm-up to prepare you for the rest of class.
  • Skill practice — After the warm-up, your coach leads the class through skill practice, which is typically related to the movements in that days’ workout.
  • Workout — Once everyone’s ready, your coach will start the clock and the entire class will do the workout together.
  • Cooldown — Fist bumps, sharing scores. and stretching to transition you back into your day.

Do I have to be fit to start CrossFit?

No, not at all. You don’t become fit to join CrossFit, you join CrossFit to become fit! While some movements might seem hard or intimidating at first, we’ll meet you where you’re at and coach you through everything step by step. Learn more

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