6 Week Nutrition Challenge

Wrap up the Summer and Fall back into feeling good

September 18- October 28th
Info Meeting September 13th


* Week 0: September 11th- 15th (InBody Scan & Intro Week)
* Week 1: Sept 17th-23rd
* Week 2: Sept 24th- 30th
* Week 3: October 1st-7th 
* Week 4: October 8th-14th
* Week 5: October 15th-21st
* Week 6: October 22nd-28th


* 2 InBody scans
* Custom Macros
* Access to MacroStax app free!
* Weekly group topics, discussion, habits and Q&A
* Private Facebook Group
* Weekly focus and education handouts
* Nutrition Challenges
* Community Support + Accountability
* Strategies on kitchen essentials
* Strategies on building meals
* Grocery list ideas
* Recipe ideas
* Lifestyle guidance
* How to move beyond challenges and into lifestyle of nutrition, either group or 1-1


Winner based on most BF % lost

* 1st Place- Prize Package including- Swag bag (VIP CCCF Gear designed only for this challenge) , 1 month FREE membership, 12 InBody Scans + surprise goodie bag.
* 2nd Place- Prize Package including- Swag basket, 1/2 off one month membership, 6 InBody Scans
* 3rd Place- Prize Package including- Swag basket 6 InBody Scans


Do I have to track Macros to participate or win?

NO, you can focus on nutrient dense Whole Foods. We will provide handouts throughout to help you succeed.

I want to gain muscle can I still win and participate?


What happens after the 6 weeks?

We can continue a group nutrition for those that want to continue or move to 1-1 nutrition coaching.

Will you be adjusting my macros?

No. Macros don’t need to be adjusted unless a significant ± is happening.

Is this personalized to me?

I will personalize your individual macros based on the information you give me.

Will you be writing meal plans?


Do I have to be on Facebook?

If you want the group accountability, Q& A and handouts yes.

What happens in Weekly discussions?

We will review weekly discussion and topics and ask for questions you may have. We will either pre record video or do a live Facebook that you can watch anytime.

Do you have to be a CCCF member to participate?

No, anyone can participate.